Raindrop Planning

Raindrop allow customers to model and react to different business scenarios, such as growth, cost cutting, annual operating plan, etc. and operationalize your plan.

Raindrop promote collaboration within your team, as well as outside of your team, always ensuring you are in control of your data. Raindrop provides several templates which can readily tap into the digitized data in the platform across all of the Raindrop modules, all geared towards reducing your planning cycle time, and increasing your plan effectiveness.

Raindrop Planning Value Proposition

Translate Strategic Plans to Action

Raindrop’s powerful business intelligence enables your company to plan and manage commodities, spend categories, create supplier consolidation strategies, and build predictive sourcing strategies across each functional area.  Translate strategy to action and measure adherence to the published plan.

Unified View on Spend

Raindrop’s Planning module lets you model a unified financial view of your global enterprise spend across different regions, currency types, suppliers, commodities, and more. Easily analyse the spend data in one place and utilize data insights for driving business growth.

Spend Opportunities and Risk

With Raindrop’s guided machine learning, get the opportunities and risks involved with your upcoming commodity spend. Understanding the commodity market trends enables you to effectively engage with your suppliers.

Get Data Driven Spend Analytics

Raindrop’s Planning module provides immediate access to advanced spend analytics through visualization, such as charts, graphs, and tables. Know who your money is going to, and how much you’re spending with each external entity.

Do Your Business Your Way

Raindrop provides several templates which are geared to enable you to do your business your own way. Raindrop’s Planning is designed as a dynamic user interface to quickly and easily visualize a series of financial models capable of turning data into intelligence, all in a simple and powerful interface.  Users can leverage Raindrop’s Planning templates to load any spreadsheet data and rapidly acquire the necessary information.

Increased Collaboration

Raindrop provides collaborative chat functionality which is native to the platform, as well as integrates with other collaboration tools. This rapidly bridges traditional communication gaps between different functional groups and external suppliers by providing improved two-way communication.

Raindrop Planning Key Features

Raindrop’s Planning module provides all of the necessary features to move the needle from being transactionally focused, to being predictive and proactive.